Reading Notes: Anthology

While I enjoyed all the stories, perhaps the one that was most engaging to me was the Trickster story. Trickster stories are fun and show a lot of personality! With my minor in IAS I love reading about different cultures, and I think that it will be fun to compare and contrast Trickster stories from different regions and cultures. The Tiger, The Braham, and the Jackal was a fun read from a famous folktale of India. I enjoyed how descriptive this story was. I could picture the emotions of the character. For example, when the Braham was nervous the author describe him as "his knees knocked together with fright" and I could picture the Brahams stature. I think it would be fun to write a Trickster story, and I might try it out this week! The Tiger, The Braham, and the Jackal Source: Illustration by John Batten Since I was a kid, I have always loved Fairy Tales. They are full of adventure and there are many different versions based on culture and region! I enjoyed the ...