
Showing posts from August, 2017

Reading Notes: Anthology

While I enjoyed all the stories, perhaps the one that was most engaging to me was the Trickster story. Trickster stories are fun and show a lot of personality! With my minor in IAS I love reading about different cultures, and I think that it will be fun to compare and contrast Trickster stories from different regions and cultures. The Tiger, The Braham, and the Jackal  was a fun read from a famous folktale of India. I enjoyed how descriptive this story was. I could picture the emotions of the character. For example, when the Braham was nervous the author describe him as "his knees knocked together with fright" and I could picture the Brahams stature. I think it would be fun to write a Trickster story, and I might try it out this week! The Tiger, The Braham, and the Jackal Source: Illustration by John Batten   Since I was a kid, I have always loved Fairy Tales. They are full of adventure and there are many different versions based on culture and region! I enjoyed the ...

Reading Options

I enjoyed skimming through many units for this assignments. There are so many options it is going to be hard to pick one! I am interested in reading some Italian Popular Tales due to my heritage and the amount of time I have spent studying in Italy. The unit over Saints and Animals also sounds interesting to me. I am not catholic, and have always found the idea of Saints hard to understand, so I would like to see what I would learn through units in this story. I also love animals, so why not read some stories that use animals for explanation. Lastly, I enjoyed the unit over The Congo.  Recently, I watched a new movies called Tarzan - the one with real people, not the Disney one - and it took place in the Congo. This movie provoked my interested in the historical era of this film. I started to research this time frame for fun, and I found it very interesting. I would like to see what folklore is out there about this era! Tarzan Source: Flickr  images

Elizabeth's Time Strategies

I am a very busy gal, and time management has always been an important skill for me to have. My planner is very crucial to my academic and social success. I am a huge list maker. I make them digitally on my home screen, verbally to my roommates as well as written down in my planner. I am glad that I set up this class to where I have stuff due throughout the week rather than just on Sunday. In the past, if something wasn't due till Sunday it would fall down on my priority list and I would be overwhelmed with the amount of work I had to do Sunday night, which is already a busy day for me because I work at a church. I am looking forward to this semester. I enjoyed reading 3 Steps to Recapture Time by  Joynicole Martinez. My days are always more productive when I start me day off praying and making a list of the most important things to get done each day. I usually just make one big list, so I am looking forward to trying the "Chunk it" method that she suggested to be ...

Technology Thoughts

I love blogging! I have only used Word Press in the past, but I am excited to get to know Blogger better. I am pumped to be able to use pictures in my assignments and see my classmates pictures as well. By now, I am used to online classes. While I do love face to face conversations, sometimes I think I interacted more with other classmates in online classes because part of our grade is to read and comment on other's peoples assignments. I enjoy hearing from other students, and lecture classrooms do not always allow for that, so I am excited to have this opportunity. I have learned a lot about image editing and copy right rules through working with Soonerthon, but I am excited to extend my knowledge. I have already learned how to find images for reuse! Dionysus Riding a Cheetah Source: Wiki Images 

Assignment Impressions

I am so excited to write my own stories! I have never been the best writer, but I have improved significantly over the past few years. Each time I have studied abroad I kept a blog about my adventures, and now I am excited to make up some stories! I am also eager to read other people's stories. I have a good time last assignment reading past people's Storybooks and I look forward to reading people's this semester. I am super excited that we have the freedom to choose what assignments we want to complete and have the opportunity for extra credit. I think this is a great idea, for all the assignments we will do will be ones we think are more "fun" that others. Extra credit is quite a blessing in college! The Famous Last Words assignment is the one I am looking forward to most because I will be able to reread how my semester went in the future. Lastly, I LOVE PICTURES. They truly are worth a thousand words and I am so excited to get to use them in all my assignm...

My Growth Mindset Thoughts

From what I can remember, this is the first I have heard of Carol Dweck and the Growth Mindset. When I started my college career I knew I was going to have to work hard, and with that would come growth. However, junior year I fell out of that "growth mindset" and just went through the motions. Eventually, I realized what I was doing and had a change of mind. I was reminded of how fortunate I am to have the opportunity to attend college. Since then I have been putting in a lot more effort into my studies and taking advantage of all my opportunities, academically and socially. I enjoyed learning about the growth mindset and would like to continue to learning more about t and applying it to my life. This semester I am taking classing I am really interested in such as Pathogenic Microbiology and Neurobiology. I want to take advantage of those experiences and really get to know my professors. I plan on having a growth mindset this year so that I can make the most out of my last ...


Greetings! My name is Elizabeth DiSalvatore. I am a senior at the University of Oklahoma studying Medical Sciences, International Studies, and Health Social Sciences. I enjoy the health field, as well as the global community and would love to find a field where I can incorporate both! My ultimate goal is to go to Physician's Assistant school and eventually lead medical and spiritual mission trips around the globe. My wanderlust is encompassing - I have studied abroad 3 times! After my freshman year I studied abroad in Italy with President Community Scholars. We completed a community service project where we painted murals along the walls of the train station in Arezzo, Italy to make the space more inviting.  Part of our Community Service Project Source: My picture Afterwards, we traveled around northern Italy learning and blogging about art history and the impact it has made on the culture. After my sophomore year I studied abroad in Sevilla, Spain for 3 months. I...

Storybook Favorites

I enjoyed getting to read other student's stories! They were all creative and intriguing! I love animals, so I really enjoyed this ones that included animals! One of my favorite was " Tales of the Watering Hole" .   I knew based on the title that I would be interested in this storybook. I read the introduction immediately satisfied when meerkats, my favorite animal, were mentioned. I also enjoyed the concept of the solar eclipse bring prey and predator together for legends! It felt fitting because there was just a solar eclipse a few days ago! I loved that the author used a common antagonist - the Jackal - to initiate the conversation between the animals. The layout of the Storybook was easy to navigate and the colors made me feel as though I was in the desert with the animals! Tales of the Watering Hole - IMG Arcade   The next storybook I read was " The Kingdom of Love in a Lion Pride" .  I enjoyed seeing this layout, for it used the newer version of go...

Mi Lugar Favorito (My favorite Place) - Plaza de España

Last summer I lived in Sevilla, Spain. I had the time of my life learning how to navigate a big, foreign city - exploring all the different parts of it. I enjoyed finding beautiful places to sit, study and people watch. Perhaps my favorite place in the city was the "Plaza de España". This plaza is beautiful with eye catching stones, a little canal large enough to ride a small boat through it, and a fountain that casts a rainbow when the sun hits it just right. The place was calming to me, for I would sit in the cool shade and drink a granizada to escape from the extreme heat Sevilla is known for. While there are parts of Sevilla I do not miss, this is one that I often find myself longing for. I cannot wait to return to this place one day and think back to the best summer of my life.  Wikimedia "Plaza de España"   Plaza de España - I took this picture one day while studying.

Test Blog Post

Looks like it is working! Yay - let's go Fall 2017!