Reading Notes: Marriage Tales, Part B

This week I am reading stories from Tales of the North American Indians by Stith Thompson. These are part of the Native American Marriage Tales unit.

Like Part A, these stories were just as crazy. I don't know how I am going to write a story this wild! The stories in part B are a bit longer, but still enjoyable.

The Dog-Husband was nothing short of crazy. A girl had a dog, which turned into man secretly at night. Soon enough the girl became pregnant, and her family and the town thought she was knocked up by the dog, not the human form of the dog, and were disgraced. They killed the dog and exiled the girl. Shen then had 5 puppies, which she later discovered could turn into humans. Eventually the town returned to the girl and her children, and the children grew up to run the town.

What blows my mind about these stories, is for the most part they don't have a lesson and are simply just crazy stories! I bet if I were to think about some stories that I was told as a child I would find some of them absurd as well.

Man Dog Source: Pixabay Images


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