Typing Test Tech Tip

For this week's tech tip I decided to test out my typing skills! I began by taking a test on Key Hero to test my accuracy and speed. The first time I took the test, I typed at a speed of about 53 words per minute with 90% accuracy.

The second test I tried was Typing Test. On this test I typed about 63 words per minute, with a total of 4 errors, which placed my adjusted speed to 59 words per minute. These stats placed me in the category of "fluent typer". I liked this test better, because it allowed you to continue typing if you made a mistake, then adjusted your words per minute speed at the end. This is more like typing in everyday life, because if you make a mistake, you aren't forced to correct it before moving on like in test 1.

While I feel as though my typing skills are pretty decent, I am a believer that there is always room for improvement. When I was younger I had a spongebob typing game, and I thought it was such a fun game. I believe that playing that game growing up really did help to develop my typing skills.


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