
Showing posts from November, 2017

Tech Tip: Twitter List

I have recently been more active on twitter. I have not used mine in college until recently, and even then it has just been to keep up with sports! I have loved seeing what ESPN has said about the Thunder and OU football. I used the tech tips to learn how to make a private list of just sports updates, since that is all I am interested in seeing when I use twitter anyway. This was very helpful and will optimize my time on twitter now! Here is my link to my twitter list:

Reading Notes: Brothers Grimm, Part B

The Grimm Brothers' Children's and Household Tales    continued. The Fox and the Cat   was a short little story. I think I would have fun rewriting this one too! These characters reminded me of the fox and the cat in the tale Pinocchio! Death's Messengers   was another interesting tale. One thing I have liked about these stories is how easy it is to picture them as cartoon stories. In the first sentence they talk about a giant with dialogue and I can immediately picture a giant stomping around and saying those words. I would love to learn to write like that! I also found the last few stories of this unit over Adam and Eve a fun comparison to the Adam and Eve unit I read earlier in the semester. Pinocchio Source: Wiki Images

Reading Notes: Grimm Brothers, Part A

I enjoyed reading these stories, for my story book involves many of the Grimm Brother's stories. I enjoyed researching them and their stories, so I thought it would be fun to read some more of their stories like the ones in this unit! Little Red Cap (Hood) Source: Wiki Images   The Grimm Brothers' Children's and Household Tales    was full of fun stories. As I read them I could picture them being turned into a cartoon, like many of their stories have been! I see what Disney has brought so many of his stories to life! When I read the title " Little Red Cap"   I wondered if this story was the inspiration of Little Red Riding Hood. As I continued to read the story, I discovered that my acquisitions were correct!    This story was almost identical to the Little Red Riding Hood we know today. I had never thought about how ridiculous this story was in the past, but this time I did notice that there was a moral to the story - to stay on the path and not to...

Reading Notes: Alice in Wonderland, Part !

Alice and the Queen Source: Pixabay  The way Alice talks to herself is very comical. When reading the  Advice from the Caterpillar    sections, I was entertained by the caterpillars character. He was different than the movie, but also displayed some of the same character traits. There were so many new characters int he sections following. I did not remember them being in the movie. My favorite part of this reading was the Mad Tea Party . I enjoyed reading the bickering between Alice and the Mad Hatter. Alice and the Hatter have such strong personalities, it was very entertaining to read their conversations.

Week 12 Story: The Fox Wife

One day there lived a lonely fox. He had quite a nice den, but he spent most his days out in the woods hunting. While he preferred to hunt alone, he did get awfully lonely in the evenings. His days were long, with no one to talk to when he returned to his den after a long day of hunting. He became very depressed by his loneliness. His den became a disaster because he had no motivation to clean. Every night before he went to sleep he would pray for someone to spend his life. Someone who would help him do the chores and someone to tell about his day when he came home from hunting. A few weeks of his wishing past. He started to notice that when he got home from hunting, some things were cleaned and put where they belonged. There were no visible signs that someone had been there. Nothing was stolen, so he was not too worried, but wondered who was coming in while he was gone to clean. He decided that he would pretend to leave to go hunt, then sneak back in to see who or what was sneaking ...

Reading Notes: Alice in Wonderland, Part B

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll. I enjoyed reading this old story again. When I was little I was not a fan of this story, mostly because I found most of the characters to be scary. However, reading this story again made me appreciate this story. I found it interesting how much Alice talks to herself. Her personality in this story is very different than the films make her out to be. I am still brainstorming what I am going to do for this story. Alice and Wonderland is such a long story I am not sure how I will write a short one. Alice and the Rabbit Source: Pixabay